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What is Impulse Technology?

Many people use the term Ringer for Impulse Technology. This may not be a misnomer but I believe it fails to describe the technology in the same way that Impulse does, so I choose to use the term Impulse. The Curatronic FLASH unit is an Impulse Technology System

Pictogram of Impulse or Ringer Technology

This technology is not what I call REAL or TRUE PEMF. Impulse technology creates a series of high-intensity pulses at repetition rates of about once per second up to perhaps 30 per second, seldom much quicker. Notice I said ‘Repetition Rate’ and not frequency. The output of an Impulse system is measured in PPS or Pulses Per Second rather than Hz, that we use for REAL PEMF systems.

Impulse technology is best-used for pain or severe pain as it quickly numbs the pain in the area being treated. In some ways, it behaves in a similar fashion to novocaine or lidocaine being injected into a painful area of the body. The advantage, of course, is that no drugs are needed and the numbing effect comes on quickly.

The disadvantage of Impulse Technology is that the numbing effect can be short-lived and the pain may return within a few hours. Of course, the lack of pain, allows the therapist to perform massage, heat or ice treatment or treatment with REAL PEMF which actually works on the source of the pain rather than the symptoms.

The huge advantage of Impulse Technology is that it treats the symptoms quickly. The advantage of TRUE or REAL PEMF is that it actually helps reduce inflammation, improves blood flow and also reduces pain but at a slower rate than Impulse System. In the perfect clinic, both technologies should be available. The impulse System to get the patient’s discomfort or pain under control and REAL PEMF for long-term treatment, reduction of swelling or inflammation.

By now I’m sure you know that we prefer to call Ringer Systems “IMPULSE SYSTEMS” The terms ringer vs hummer came to the fore a couple of years ago. In some ways, it’s a good thing that these two terms were created as they describe the difference between what we call REAL or TRUE PEMF and what have been called SPARK machines. SPARK machines like the TeslaFit Pro, PEMF 120, PMT 120, PEMF8000, MG-33, PAP-IMI or Magna Wave Maxx can exhibit serious reliability issues and like the spark plugs in your car, they will eventually fail. So if you are looking at purchasing a TeslaFit Pro, PEMF 120, PMT 120, PEMF8000, MG-33, PAP-IMI or Magna Wave Maxx then rest assured that you will have some downtime and if the warranty has expired then you will also have a hefty repair bill.

Curatron FLASH Ringer ImageThe term RINGER harkens back to a bell or perhaps any of many percussion instruments. When you strike a bell or perhaps a xylophone or triangle, a sound is heard that decays over time and during that decay, many harmonics and other sounds are generated. Ringer systems produce a series of high energy pulses and each of these pulses decays quite rapidly. It is the effect of each pulse to literally shock your muscles and cause twitching, sometimes quite severe if the pulse energy is too high.

Impulse (ringer) Systems such as the Curatron FLASH, produce a series of high energy pulses and each of these pulses decays quite rapidly. It is the effect of each pulse to literally shock your muscles and cause twitching, sometimes quite severe if the pulse energy is too high. This twitching effect has a numbing effect causing significant pain reduction. Ringer systems produce very quick and effective pain relief but they do not heal the body or have a long-lasting effect.

There is more to learn!

Amjo Corp has been working with Curatron systems for nearly two decades. Our first sale of a Curatron PEMF system was in May of 2000. Our experience and knowledge are second to none. Call us and find out!

The information at this website including the science pages, doctor's letters and the testimonials from our customers are not meant to imply that you will receive similar or identical results. It is very important that you do independent research before ordering a Curatron 2000 product. The information provided in this website is not medical advice. Readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services, and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. The webmaster and none of us at Amjo Corp are not medically trained and we are selling this product as a business and for profit. In the USA, the Curatron 2000 series have not yet been granted FDA approval as a medical device.  Please read and heed all the information provided by your doctor and in the manual provided with the products we sell. We strive for accuracy. It's possible that there are errors on this website, you the web visitor should take the time to perform thorough research independently of this web site, Amjo Corp and Curatronic Ltd. cannot be your sole source of information. We encourage you to do independent research of this technology. Please do not use this website as your sole source of information for PEMF Technology. Outside the USA pulsed magnetic field therapy (PEMF) has been approved in some countries, by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications. In the European Community the Curatron devices are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.  The devices are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice.